Thyme Oil along with also Acne: An Antibacterial Powerhouse Worth Experimenting With
The herb thyme, most commonly used in pasta, has an extremely interesting medicinal history. within the European Middle Ages, thyme was often placed beneath pillows to improve sleep along with also ward off nightmares. During the height of the Roman Empire, women would likely give thyme to knights along with also warriors with the belief in which in which would likely give them courage along with also strength.
Thyme itself is usually derived through the Greek word “”thymus” for courage. Ancient Greeks used thyme in their baths along with also burnt in which as an incense in their temples, believing in which in which was a source of courage when inhaled. For thousands of years, warriors, saints along with also scholars alike prescribed thyme for its power to improve physical endurance along with also give spiritual insight into life.
The classic Ayurvedic medicine school through India recommended the thyme herb for its astringent, anti-microbial, antiseptic, antispasmodic (anti-muscle spasm) along with also anti-inflammatory properties.
Thyme was used as far back as 5000 years ago by the ancient Babylonian, Assyrian along with also Sumerian civilisations. The oldest Ancient Egyptian medical text, Ebers papyrus, recommended the healing values of thyme way back in 1550BC.
Lately, acne patients have become extremely interested in thyme oil as a topical treatment. Increasing numbers of acne patients are being put off by Benzoyl Peroxide’s strong side effects like increased inflammation along with also free radical damage. BP along with also different grocery store face washes don’t offer a long term solution, they only put a plaster on acne.
Hence, there’s a surge of interest right at This particular point in essential oils for acne. Tea tree oil has been shown to kill p.acnes bacteria effectively thanks to its active terpineol-4-ol compound. Does thyme oil have powers/compounds which kill p.acnes or lower inflammation or treat acne in any different hidden ways?
Thyme oil kills many different strains of bacteria
Our first study shows in which thyme oil is usually an absolute juggernaut when in which comes to killing acne bacteria. A load of Chinese scientists tested the antibacterial effect of ten different essential oils: oils of lavender, thyme, cinnamon, mint, lemon, grapefruit, jasmine, rose, chamomile, along with also ginger.
The most effective oils were found to be cinnamon, rose, along with also thyme. The oils killed p.acnes at only tiny concentrations; thyme oil was diluted to 0.016%, along with also cinnamon along with also rose were diluted to 0.016% along with also 0.031%.
The oils were also tested based on time taken to kill p.acnes along with also thyme was again the most effective, alongside rose, cinnamon, along with also lavender. A solution of 0.25% thyme oil killed all the p.acnes in just a few minutes. For topical purposes, acne gurus generally recommend diluting thyme oil to 5% concentration, which is usually far higher. Thyme oil also demonstrated the strongest results against three different types of cancer cells. This particular study was almost entirely ignored when in which was released back in 2010 yet the results are highly promising.
Our second piece of information comes through a press Discharge through the University of Leeds entitled “thyme for a more natural cure for acne”. Leeds scientists performed a similar study in which thyme oil was tested against p.acnes bacteria along with also then compared to two different essential oils, myrrh along with also marigold. While all three essential oils killed p.acnes bacteria after a few minutes, thyme was easily the most effective. in which was even more effective than Benzoyl Peroxide along with also caused nowhere near the same skin irritation. This particular press Discharge gained a ton of publicity when in which was released by the University of Leeds back in 2013.
What’s so great about these two studies? Killing p.acnes is usually great news since in which’s the main acne bacteria along with also in which’s what triggers the inflammatory assault in which creates acne within the first place. Essential oils like tea tree oil are known to kill p.acnes excellently, yet thyme oil seems to be astonishingly effective.
Elsewhere there’s plenty of different evidence for thyme oil’s antibacterial effect. This particular study tested the effect of thyme oil along with also basil oil on common bacterial food pathogens. Both basil along with also thyme demonstrated strong antimicrobial properties against two food contaminants called Shigella sonnei along with also Shigella flexneri. These vicious pathogens lead to acute fever, acute abdominal cramping, nausea along with also diarrhoea 1-7 days after consumption through food.
At 0.5% concentration, thyme oil decreases levels of both bacteria substantially along with also at 1% concentration they fell below the detection limit. The scientists identified the two compounds responsible, which were thymol along with also carvacrol.
A similar study tested essential oils including thyme oil on the methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria. MRSA is usually a deadly hospital based pathogen which kills 5000 people a year. The bacteria is usually carried on the skin or in nostrils, along with also enters the bodies of patients when their skin is usually punctured during operations. The problem? MRSA is usually at This particular point an antibiotic resistant superbug…
…yet thyme oil still features a strong ability to kill in which. 8 different oils were tested, along with also thyme oil along with also cinnamon oil were both the strongest, with thyme oil killing the resistant MRSA within 60 minutes. MRSA is usually a member of the staphylococcus family, which is usually a secondary bacteria on your skin in which can cause inflammation along with also acne related skin conditions like dermatitis along with also psoriasis. Thyme oil was found to be effective against a range of staphylococcus species.
Whether thyme oil can actually treat acne when combined with endless different compounds along with also players along with also actors within the skin remains to be seen. yet in which features a potent ability to kill p.acnes bacteria along with also for in which reason in which has promise.
Two of thyme oil’s active compounds, thymol along with also carvacrol, are also fascinating:
Thymol – the main medicinal compound in both thyme along with also thyme oil; hence in which’s name. Don’t confuse thymol with thyme oil when spelt. Thymol features a strong aromatic odour along with also provides the distinctive flavour of thyme. Thymol itself has been analysed in numerous studies along with also in which shows strong activity against antibiotic resistant yeast. in which’s also theorised to kill candida overgrowth along with also has been found to kill two bacterial strains: Aeromoans hydrophila along with also Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Thymol has been used in America for treating both hookworm along with also ringworm infections. Thymol is usually even an active ingredient of many mouthwashes, including Listerine. in which’s the active antiseptic ingredient of some toothpastes like Euthymol. Thymol can control the growth of mould in bee colonies along with also destroy varroa mites, which kill honeybees. Also used for book along with also paper conservation; wrapping up paper in bags lined with thymol crystals can keep mould in check excellently.
Carvacrol – carvacrol is usually the main active component in oregano yet thyme oil also contains carvacrol at between 5-75% depending on the species of plant. Carvacrol is usually noted for its antimicrobial properties like killing candida along with also E.coli along with also preventing c.difficile bacteria through producing toxins. in which’s believed to kill bacteria by binding to along with also disrupting their cell membranes.
Carvacrol can inhibit the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, which can infect the kidneys along with also urinary tract along with also cause death. Carvacrol also inhibits inflammation by lowering COX-2 activity, along with also has antioxidant activity. Interestingly, carvacrol is usually responsible for the bitterness of herbs like oregano by activating along with also then rapidly desensitising pain receptors on the tongue. in which’s also used in tequila.
With two awesome compounds like in which in which would likely be no surprise to hear in which thyme oil clears acne excellently.
Thyme oil – still an unverified acne treatment
Thyme oil clearly has impressive powers, yet there are no studies testing in which directly on human acne patients. There are not bad testimonials on acne forums; one user said in which after one week of daily treatment with homemade thyme oil she enjoyed “super happy along with also super soft skin” which had no pimples at all compared to a couple a day when using BP.
The problem is usually in which there’s a serious lack of depth in testimonials. Few acne patients are reporting their experiments with thyme oil yet. in which’s substantially a less documented treatment than tea tree oil; there are tons of reports through which we have learnt in which tea tree oil helps acne along with also helps in which best when applied to especially red along with also inflamed pimples.
in which’s clear in which thyme oil kills p.acnes yet in which does not automatically make in which a not bad acne treatment. The studies on p.acnes were conducted in a petri dish. Human skin is usually extremely complex. Any prospective treatment has to penetrate its layers along with also pores deeply enough to genuinely kill p.acnes in its home environment.
Human skin also has so many different compounds in which thyme oil could react with any of them. in which blasts p.acnes into oblivion, yet what if thyme oil blasts vitamin E into oblivion as well? in which would likely be bad news, since vitamin E is usually critical for preventing blocked pores.
Thyme oil could destroy different delicate antioxidants like vitamin C along with also vitamin A or resveratrol or anything. As well as killing p.acnes, thyme oil could also kill friendly bacteria in which are part of your natural skin flora. Thyme oil may kill p.acnes yet we have no data on how in which affects different important factors in acne.
Furthermore, the active compound thymol is usually known have inflammatory side effects since in which’s a known eye, skin along with also respiratory irritant. Given in which thymol is usually used as a short-lived pesticide in some countries, in which would likely not be surprising if in which made your acne more inflamed. The study by Leeds University said in which there was less skin irritation than through Benzoyl Peroxide, yet many acne patients turn out to be sensitive to tea tree oil along with also develop red along with also painful rashes. The same could be true for thymol along with also thyme oil.
The key point is usually in which we don’t develop the depth of research along with also internet stories to know the truth about thyme oil…
…yet on the different hand, thyme oil has been found once or twice to lower inflammation. Carvacrol inhibits the inflammatory master messenger COX-2 along with also according to This particular study thyme oil can do the same. A Japanese team of scientists led by Dr Hiroyasu Inoue tested several different oils: thyme, clove, rose, eucalyptus, fennel, along with also bergamot. The different six oils lowered COX-2 by 25% yet thyme oil inhibited COX-2 by nearly 75%. As expected, carvacrol was responsible just for This particular activity, along with also This particular shows in which any inflammation through thymol was counteracted.
Also, thyme oil has been used for calming wounds along with also sanitising hands for centuries at This particular point. in which was especially well-liked throughout India thanks to Ayurvedic medicine. If thyme oil does have inflammatory side effects, in which would likely make wounds more irritated.
The truth is usually probably similar to tea tree oil: some compounds in thyme oil develop the potential to cause inflammation, yet are balanced out by others, while a modest subset of acne patients are hypersensitive to those compounds.
The studies on p.acnes found in which 0.25% thyme oil was enough to kill p.acnes. Diluting thyme oil slashes the risk of irritation, along with also the currently accepted safe concentration level is usually much higher at 5%.
Here’s the truth: thyme oil could easily cure acne. One the different hand, thyme oil could easily backfire along with also redden along with also inflame your acne.
Overall though, I believe in which thyme oil has fascinating properties along with also has big potential for reducing acne. We could see in which emerge as a powerhouse of a topical treatment over the next few years. I won’t issue an official Supernatural Acne Treatment recommendation yet in which could work wonders if you’re willing to experiment.
If you want to try essential oils for your skin more generally, then I would likely recommend tea tree oil first since its effectiveness is usually far more documented. Remember in which if you do opt for thyme oil you have to dilute in which. Below 5% is usually the optimal, yet if This particular irritates your skin, you might still slash your acne count with lower concentrations. If thyme oil is usually a miracle then in which will almost certainly be best for killing isolated acne rather than as a general toner for your skin…
…yet again, you never know where benefits might spring up, because This particular topical treatment is usually an unexplored entity.
The best thyme oil product
If you read my previous article on tea tree oil then you’ll know in which you have to be very strict about the quality control, the colour of the bottle, the country of origin etc. The not bad news with thyme is usually in which finding a not bad product is usually much simpler.
I recommend tea tree oil products in a dark bottle because This particular blocks sunlight through oxidising the terpineol-4-ol compound, which is usually very unstable. Thymol along with also carvacrol, meanwhile, are quite stable along with also not prone to oxidation. You have to buy tea tree oil sourced through Australia as in which’s where the original plant hails through, yet thyme grows all over the planet these days.
There are also over 300 different species of plant within the family Thymus (which itself belongs to the mint family of plants). Most tea tree oil is usually sourced through thymus vulgaris, yet This particular family has its own subsets too. Most versions on the internet will be through thymus vulgaris along with also contain the proper proportions of thymol along with also carvacrol yet there is usually one type you must avoid – red thyme oil.
This particular is usually a far less distilled along with also filtered type with much higher levels of thymol along with also different compounds. This particular can make red thyme oil more potent at reducing acne, yet red thyme oil is usually also more likely to cause irritation. You have to exercise far more caution with red thyme oil. Since you need to dilute regular thyme oil anyway, there’s no need to buy red thyme oil along with also think you’re getting an acne clearing Insentif.
If you’re going to try thyme oil then This particular Thyme 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil is usually a well-reviewed product in which ticks all the acne clearing boxes.
Also remember in which you can’t cure acne with topical treatments alone. You have to cure acne through the inside out, not the outside in…
…along with also you don’t want to wake up every day along with also be cursed to apply oil to yourself for hours along with also hours which you could be using productively either. The ideal then, is usually to prevent acne along with also pimples through forming within the first place along with also in which’s completely achievable. You can 1) eat a nutritious diet free through inflammatory ingredients like sugar, along with also 2) live a healthy lifestyle with proper sun exposure, exercise, sleep quality along with also low stress levels.
I don’t recommend in which you use topical treatments as your first weapon for treating acne. Nevertheless, thyme oil could be an excellent option if you’re looking for an extra edge.
NEXT: why rose water is usually an overlooked acne treatment
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