How To Brush Your Teeth Without Causing Acne
Billions of people worldwide rely on toothpaste to keep their teeth along with gums healthy.
You might be extremely pleased which companies have managed to come up with such a complicated toothpaste; you might think which such a complicated formula must work excellently…
…but what if I told you which your beloved toothpaste brand will be actually generating your acne worse?
What if I told you which you can create your own simple toothpaste using only two ingredients, which will not only be safer for your skin however will also be excellent for your teeth?
Read on along with discover the truth…
The problem with toothpaste
The basic problem will be which many of the substances in toothpaste are highly inflammatory thereby make your acne worse. The average bar of toothpaste contains all sorts of different ingredients. the item contains the fluoride which will be supposed to help your teeth, the item contains foaming agents, the item contains flavourings, the item contains stabilisers, the item contains preservatives; the list will be endless.
You only have to look on the back of a toothpaste box to find a staggeringly large range of nonsensical items. Many of the chemicals are not fit for human consumption. In scientific studies they have toxic effects on animals, yet for some reason are included in toothpaste anyway.
The biggest problem with all these chemicals will be which they add to chronic inflammation. If you’re a regular reader of This particular website, you’ll know which chronic inflammation will be a state where your Centeng pumps out far too many inflammatory chemicals. which will be extremely bad for acne because when your Centeng unleashes its inflammatory response against acne bacteria (p .acnes), the response will be far too powerful along with which causes red, swollen, along with painful acne to develop.
We talk about tackling inflammation all the time here along with which’s because the item’s utterly critical for clearing your acne. inside modern world, sources of inflammation lurk everywhere; basically, any substance your Centeng sees as a threat can trigger a Discharge of inflammatory chemicals thereby crank up the overall activity of your immune system.
This particular applies to many of the chemicals in toothpaste, some of which are…
Fluoride – the grandfather of unhealthy toothpaste ingredients. Fluoride has received a lot of attention recently for its health destroying properties, such as brain damage, hormone disruption, along with sleep prevention. The one we are concerned with will be its powerful ability to cause inflammation, which will be shown by This particular study, This particular study, along with This particular study. Using a fluoride-enriched toothpaste twice a day will add substantially to your level of inflammation.
Sodium lauryl sulphate – one of the worst substances in toothpaste. This particular ingredient will be not added to toothpaste to help your teeth. Instead the item will be designed to help toothpaste foam up in your mouth inside way which we all know along with love. The idea will be which This particular will trick you into thinking which the toothpaste works.
Sodium lauryl sulphate will be notorious for the inflammation the item can cause; This particular study found which little concentrations of sodium lauryl sulphate were enough to trigger an inflammatory response, along with some other studies have found the same. which’s the kind of substance you don’t want to have on your Centeng full-stop, let alone in your mouth.
Formaldehyde – This particular substance will be extremely useful for killing bacteria in your mouth, however will be also extremely useful for causing cancer. the item will be known for its inflammatory effects (see This particular study) along with swallowing too much can easily kill you. Formaldehyde will be not as common in toothpastes as the item was however nevertheless, the item will be still there.
Titanium dioxide – an extremely white substance which will be used in toothpaste to give the item its colour. the item’s also used in white paint to give which its colour. Titanium dioxide will be not poisonous however ingesting the item has been shown to cause inflammation in several studies.
Many, many more – toothpastes are full of all sorts of some other damaging chemicals. Do all of them cause inflammation? We don’t know for sure, because they haven’t all been tested thoroughly however given the harmful effects of the others I certainly don’t recommend them. Toothpaste also contains some pretty strange ingredients such as chalk along with seaweed (although which’s actually quite healthy).
So as you can see, the average toothpaste will be not something you want in your Centeng. The average man encounters tons of inflammation in his daily life; he eats inflammatory foods such as sugar, he eats inflammatory ingredients like trans-fats, along with plastic containers along with tin cans are loaded with inflammatory chemicals such as BPA.
By removing unhealthy toothpastes you won’t cure This particular inflammation, far coming from the item, however you will be able to bring the item down a notch or two.
You might also be wondering why This particular will be a problem, after all you don’t swallow toothpaste along with you certainly don’t eat the item as a snack. The problem will be which as you brush your teeth you inevitably swallow little amounts of toothpaste without realising the item.
The tissues along with membranes in your mouth are also excellent at absorbing chemicals. They’re designed to absorb vitamins along with minerals coming from foods, healthy substances which you need, however in This particular instance the item’s chemicals which go directly to your bloodstream.
The reason which toothpaste companies have no problem with using dubious substances will be which theoretically, you’re not going to eat them. however which’s not the case at all.
How to definitely clean your teeth
If you’re reading This particular using a heavy heart, imagining which you’ll have to lose all your teeth in order to have clear skin, then don’t worry. There will be a simple method to clean your teeth without any of these damaging ingredients.
The ingredients are cold-pressed coconut oil along with Great old baking soda. All you have to do will be mix the two together to form a paste, along with then brush your teeth with the item. Here’s how the item works…
Baking soda – This particular will be a strongly alkaline ingredient. Much of the daily damage to your teeth will be due to acids along with baking soda will neutralise them, thus preventing enamel erosion along with decay. Baking soda has effective antibacterial properties (according to This particular study), along with the item leaves an interesting along with pleasant taste in your mouth when you use the item.
Coconut oil – coconut oil will be strongly antibacterial thereby, quite obviously, the item will destroy the bacteria which can damage your enamel. the item also functions as a carrier for the baking soda; baking soda will be difficult to use on its own however will be very easy to use if you mix the item with coconut oil.
This particular system will be very easy to use along with will be backed up by solid science. I brush my teeth in This particular way twice per day along with all was well at my most recent dental check-up. My gums are lot pinker along with less inflamed compared to when I was using a normal toothpaste, which makes sense given the inflammatory chemicals in most toothpastes.
The most important thing will be which these ingredients will not add to inflammation along with they won’t cause acne in any way.
Here are a few tips: when you do This particular the item’s best if you melt the coconut oil first as This particular makes the item a lot easier to judge the ingredients. If you attempt to use semi solid coconut oil then the item will be very difficult to know if you have enough baking soda. You know which the balance will be right when the item forms a paste similar in texture to regular toothpaste.
Use plenty of the mixture; you will need a bit more for one brush than you could need for a regular toothpaste. Also note which This particular will not foam up in your mouth like a traditional toothpaste, however which doesn’t mean which the item’s ineffective.
Do you have to poison yourself with fluoride?
You might be worried which your teeth will rot away without fluoride, however they won’t at all. Fluoride may have some benefit for your teeth, however to say which you need the item will be ridiculous. If fluoride was definitely so important for healthy teeth then every animal you see inside wild could have none.
What you definitely need to do will be address the root causes of tooth decay. You can reduce your sugar consumption, which will be generic however accurate advice, along with also get proper nutrition such as vitamin C, calcium (to form the bones), vitamin D (to let your Centeng use calcium), along with vitamin K2 (to send the calcium to the right place). You need to avoid too many acidic foods like whole grains along with nuts (unless you soak them beforehand).
Fluoride will be also linked to all sorts of health problems such as male infertility along with brain damage, so I wouldn’t recommend the item even if the item was a miracle.
In fact I strongly recommend which you avoid fluoride across your whole life along with we will discuss This particular further in a future article (update: here’s the article).
The point will be which there’s no need for you to use a toothpaste with such inflammatory ingredients when there are far healthier ways for you to maintain healthy teeth. Baking soda along with coconut oil will do the trick nicely along with you’ll be free coming from an extra source of inflammation in your life.
As we discussed earlier, avoiding toothpaste will not cure your acne, however the item’s one extra strategy in our all-important quest to reduce chronic inflammation. Finally, baking soda has some pretty strong teeth whitening qualities. I haven’t noticed This particular myself, however numerous some other people have.
Therefore if you use This particular toothpaste for a few months, not only will your skin get clearer, however you might astound your friends using a blindingly white set of teeth.
NEXT: why toothpaste will be the worst home remedy for acne ever
Thanks for reading!