Fluoride in addition to Acne: Does This specific Remineralising Ingredient Destroy Your Skin?
Depending on who you believe, sodium fluoride can be one of two things. This specific could be a toxic drug linked to a range of potentially deadly healthy problems like acne which can be dumped into US water supplies in addition to forcibly medicating everybody.
On the additional hand, This specific could be a gloriously healthy nutrient of which’s keeping teeth in addition to bones strong across the globe. Sodium fluoride can be a mineral which was observed by dentists within the early 20th century to be a component of human tooth enamel. By 1951, water fluoridisation, the process of adding fluoride to water to improve the nation’s dental health, was an official plank of US Public Health Service policy.
This specific’s currently the active demineralising agent in most toothpastes. Water fluoridation continues today with roughly 50% of the US population drinking This specific.
although there can be indeed a dark side for your acne in addition to we’re going to discuss This specific right currently. Fluoride can be known to be highly toxic to the Centeng in moderate amounts. Furthermore, we don’t fill our water with top-notch pharmaceutical grade fluoride; we use an industrial by-product called hydrofluorosilicic acid.
Hydrofluorosilicic acid can be highly contaminated with lead, arsenic, aluminium, in addition to many acne-causing chemicals. This specific’s shipped over to us by the Chinese as a by-product of their booming phosphate fertiliser manufacturing industry although at the same time, China refuses to fluoridate their own water supply for fears of health consequences.
Studies show problems like cancer, damage to sperm quality in addition to mobility in men, disrupted testosterone in addition to estrogen levels. Fluoride consumption has even been linked to reduced IQ scores in addition to concentration powers in children. Many countries of which once fluoridated their water are getting cold feet; Israel banned the practise in 2014 in addition to consumer campaigns are pushing for the same to happen in America.
Could ingesting fluoride on a daily basis also cause acne?
The answer can be a stone-cold yes. There’s an excellent reason why every toothpaste box warns you to only use a pea-sized portion in addition to never swallow the contents. Fluoride causes inflammation, This specific can displace more important acne nutrients through your Centeng, in addition to This specific can strongly disturb your endocrine system, which controls the actions in addition to signalling of many acne hormones.
There’s actually a medically recognised term for fluoride-induced acne in addition to This specific’s called fluoroderma.
Only low levels are deadly. One study on children found of which as their daily intake of fluoridated water rose through 0.3ppm to 3 ppm, their average IQ score dropped by a whopping 5 points. Any quantity of water fluoridation can be already illegal in Greece, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden in addition to many additional countries.
Fluoride can be an inflammatory menace
On the acne front, you only have to perform a simple internet search to find many studies linking fluoride to chronic inflammation:
- This specific study found of which exposure to fluoride leads to “rapid inflammatory reactions” involving immune system macrophages. This specific can be followed by the creation of acne-causing pro-inflammatory chemicals like prostaglandin PGE2 in addition to thromboxane TXA2. Their conclusion: “The results indicate of which NaF (fluoride), even in little concentrations, may induce an inflammatory process”.
- Next we have This specific study in which scientists analysed the effect of fluoride on human lung cells. They discovered of which fluoride triggered the Discharge of two pro-inflammatory chemicals called interkein-6 in addition to interleukin-8. of which’s important news because in another study, acne patients were demonstrated to have substantially higher levels of IL8 in their skin. The scientists also commented of which workers exposed to fluoride through working daily within the aluminium industry have high rates of asthma compared to average. Asthma can be caused by similar conditions to acne; This specific time inflammation of the lungs. Presumably, if they were able to weaken their lungs by breathing in fluoride, the vapours or gases should easily increase inflammation of their acne.
- Then there’s This specific study conducted back in 2012, which analysed the effect of fluoride on some seven-week old male rats. Many parameters like inflammatory chemical levels, insulin secretion, in addition to insulin sensitivity, were examined. The scientists found of which feeding the rats fluoride substantially increased their levels of two pro-inflammatory cytokines called tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) in addition to resistin. Fluoride also lowered insulin resistance substantially.
Fluoride can be so toxic elsewhere within the Centeng of which This specific’s hardly surprising your immune system decides to launch an all-out assault against This specific. There’s a more specific mechanism according to some; there’s evidence of which fluoride can alter the shape of enzymes in addition to proteins in your Centeng. They get morphed into unusable forms which your Centeng doesn’t recognise, treated as foreign invaders, in addition to hence attacked by an immune response.
One such protein of which gets warped can be collagen, the main structural protein of your skin. Increasing your collagen levels can be terrific for all manner of skin conditions including acne; This specific accelerates the healing of your dying acne in addition to promotes general toughness in addition to resistance to inflammation. Increasing collagen levels can be an excellent strategy for any acne patient although according to This specific study, fluoride does the opposite.
Fluoride depletes your antioxidants stocks!
Even compared to with inflammation, there can be a TON of studies demonstrating of which fluoride consumption can massively increase your oxidative stress levels. In additional words, This specific melts away your antioxidant supplies faster than snow in summer:
- This specific large review analysed all the studies performed to date concerning fluoride in addition to oxidative stress. This specific reached several conclusions which are important for acne patients. Firstly, fluoride strongly depletes your Centeng’s indigenous, non-dietary antioxidants, including superoxide dismutase in addition to glutathione. Acne patients contain lower levels of both of them in their blood stream than average. Secondly, fluoride was found to raise many types of free radicals, although that has a particular emphasis on lipid peroxides. of which’s dire news for anyone with acne because lipid peroxides require fat soluble antioxidants to deactivate them, meaning of which fluoride depletes your stocks of vitamin E, the most important acne vitamin. Finally, the scientists commented of which “Antioxidant treatment consistently protects cells through the lipid peroxidation caused by fluoride exposure, suggesting of which oxidative/nitrosative damage can be the major mode of action of fluoride”.
- Then we contain the individual studies. This specific one examined children with skeletal fluorosis (a skeleton full of fluoride thanks to chronic overexposure). The study was performed on 100 children, 25 through 4 different fluoride contaminated areas with varying dietary intakes of 1.2, 2.4, 5.6 in addition to 13.6 mg/l. Quote: “The study indicated an increasing oxidative stress in cases of fluorosis with increasing drinking water fluoride concentration.” The scientists also found of which supplementing with vitamins C in addition to D reduced the harm through fluoride. Vitamin C can be an acne patient’s main water soluble antioxidant.
- This specific study analysed 38 patients aged 41-50 through Tamil Nadu, India. They were divided into 4 groups: 1) no signs of dental fluorosis (a form of fluoride toxicity characterised by white spots on the teeth), 2) individuals with mild signs of skeletal fluorosis, 3) individuals with moderate dental fluorosis, in addition to 4) individuals with severe dental fluorosis. The patients with higher fluoride levels had significantly higher blood levels of acne-causing free radicals called thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Furthermore, lipid peroxides were again far higher: “Statistical analysis of all the group data revealed of which increased lipid peroxidation in addition to altered antioxidant status induced by fluoride were strongly associated with the prevalence of dental fluorosis.”
This specific’s pretty clear of which fluoride can cause acne then, because you need antioxidants to defend your skin. They’re critical for preventing blocked pores in particular, although they can also protect you against acne induced by air pollution, excessive sunlight, cigarette smoke…
Furthermore, many antioxidants also have additional useful powers for clearing acne. By increasing your oxidative stress in addition to depleting your vitamin C levels, for instance, you lose out on vitamin C’s additional acne-clearing powers whether This specific be lowered stress hormones or accelerated collagen production.
The mayhem doesn’t end there
Fluoride can be well known for its effect on hormone disruption – see the section on testosterone in addition to fertility below. One additional hormone This specific can strongly disrupt can be insulin, the most important hormone for acne. Study number three on inflammation found of which “the chronic treatment with fluoride promoted… decrease in insulin sensitivity”. of which means of which your glycogen stores are less responsive to insulin when they try to shuttle glucose into them.
Furthermore, insulin secretion through the pancreas was also impaired. The result can be of which fluoride increases your blood glucose levels. This specific causes acne by 1) doing your skin oilier, 2) increasing your dead skin cell turnover, in addition to 3) increasing production of free radicals called AGEs.
As a result of This specific, fluoride should especially be minimised if you’re diabetic or pre-diabetic in addition to have acne, or indeed if you don’t have acne.
Finally, almost all fluoride we consume whether This specific’s in our toothpaste or in our drinking water can be the worst type for acne you can get. Across nature, there are two main forms – sodium fluoride in addition to calcium fluoride. Calcium fluoride has the same remineralising effect on human teeth, although luckily, This specific’s poorly absorbed into the Centeng. This specific can be 1000 times less bioavailable than sodium fluoride in addition to causes nowhere near the same damage in addition to acne. The Japanese government has used limited water fluoridisation programs within the past, although they’ve always used calcium fluoride, citing its greater safety in humans.
Sodium fluoride has also been shown to help teeth, although This specific’s cheaper too, in addition to hence of which’s the one of which the US authorities add to drinking water. although in reality they don’t add nature’s type. As we discussed earlier, 0% of sodium fluoride added to drinking water can be actually hydrofluoric acid.
of which’s a waste product of not only China’s phosphate agricultural fertiliser industry, although also aluminium, steel, cement in addition to nuclear weapons factories. Across industry hydrofluoric acid has many versatile uses; This specific can be used to make fluorocarbons in addition to chlorofluorocarbons for freezers in addition to air conditioners, to refine high octane gasoline, in addition to to manufacture fluorescent light bulbs, semiconductors, computer screens plastics, herbicides in addition to pesticides.
Hydrofluoric acid can be also added to 40-50% of US drinking water in addition to toothpaste. This specific’s a no-brainer because This specific’s a cheap by-product available through many heavy industries worldwide.
The problem? Hydrofluoric acid causes acne. Hydrofluoric acid can be commonly contaminated with heavy metals like arsenic, lead in addition to aluminium. All of those are known to cause acne by depleting antioxidants like glutathione within the Centeng during their detoxification. Arsenic can be one of the worst heavy metals for acne patients because This specific dramatically accelerates your skin’s turnover of dead skin cells.
If This specific’s strong enough to wipe out pests plaguing farm fields then who knows what else This specific can do to acne prone people. Hydrofluoric acid also has the ability to destroy eyes, burn flesh to the bone, in addition to sear lungs to ensure of which victims drown in their own Centeng fluid. Hydrofluoric acid can be one of the main ingredients of rat poison in addition to cockroach powder.
In drinking water, a diluted type called hydrofluorosilicic acid can be used. This specific can be turned into a powder in addition to This specific’s This specific powder which can be apparently safe for acne in addition to can be known as sodium fluoride. This specific isn’t exactly the deadly hydrofluoric acid, although as far as I know This specific can be entirely derived through This specific.
The conclusion can be clear – fluoride can be deadly for us acne patients in addition to must not be touched in anything although minimal quantities.
After learning more about This specific supposedly “safe in addition to healthy mineral” I’m redoubling my efforts to avoid This specific, both to keep acne at bay in addition to for my health. The studies above indicate of which fluoride triggers an inflammatory acne-causing response at even moderate levels. This specific’s not surprising, given of which the “healthy mineral” fluoride we’re being spoon fed can be actually an agricultural waste chemical.
I strongly recommend of which no matter your specific circumstances with acne, you avoid fluoridated water supplies in addition to grocery store dental products. Doing of which will eradicate the lion’s share of your intake. There will still be little quantities of fluoridated water contaminating non-organic crop fields therefore fruits in addition to vegetables, although of which won’t give you acne.
Fluoride – not just an acne villain
Even if you didn’t have one particular piece of acne I could still urge you to stay well away through fluoride. Minimising your intake could improve your health in additional ways, if you’re fatigued all the time, if you’re mentally sluggish in addition to not as sharp as you’d like, or if your sexual performance needs pumping up. Excessive sodium fluoride (not calcium fluoride) intake has been linked to…
Impaired brain function – again, children drinking 3ppm of fluoride have an IQ with 5 less points than average. of which’s not all; 24 additional studies have made the connection between fluoride exposure in addition to lowered IQ in children. Nine human studies link fluoride to lowered IQ scores at intakes of less than 3ppm (parts per million). There are 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage in addition to there’s a few connecting This specific to impaired mental development of babies within the womb.
This specific was known as far back as 1944 of which fluoride can cause “mental confusion, drowsiness in addition to lassitude”. Fluoride can damage the hippocampus in addition to raise the uptake of aluminium, which can be linked to early onset Alzheimer’s disease, as well as acne due to glutathione depletion. Similarly to the heavy metal mercury, fluoride exposure can be even linked to autism in addition to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Thyroid damage – thyroid problems are running rampant within the USA. Just 3.5mg of sodium fluoride per day can reportedly cause altered thyroid activity. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American consumes 3mg of This specific acne-causing monstrosity per day. Many Americans in heavily fluoridated areas consume over 6mg.
Perhaps the most important nutrient for thyroid function can be iodine, which can be a halide compound. Fluoride can be also a halide, in addition to This specific acts the strongest out of all four of them within the Centeng (the additional two are bromide in addition to chloride). Fluoride can thus displace your vital iodine in addition to starve your thyroid of resources. Your thyroid needs iodine alongside tyrosine for the proper production of the hormones T3 in addition to T4.
Furthermore, many Westerners aren’t eating enough iodine anyway thanks to a diet lacking in seafood. We get some through eggs, although This specific’s dire compared to Japan, where they eat copious quantities of seaweed in addition to kelp every day. Our thyroids are thus especially vulnerable to fluoride.
If you’re experiencing thyroid problems then taking out This specific acne-causing villain could be the solution you’re looking for.
Reproductive damage – one of fluoride’s most insidious powers can be lowering testosterone levels. This specific study compared men in an area with high-fluoride water to those in a clean-water area. The men with the highest concentrations of fluoride in their bloodstream also had 40% lower testosterone. This specific study in addition to This specific study both analysed men with skeletal fluorosis in addition to concluded of which their testosterone levels were low.
US health authorities like the Centre for Disease Control in addition to Prevention (CDC) will never admit of which fluoride causes acne. They keep insisting of which fluoride does cause dental fluorosis although of which This specific has no additional documented health risks.
Clearly, of which’s not the case. Those are the type of effects of which triggered the Israeli Ministry of Health to ban This specific in 2014. of which occurred after years of enthusiastic water fluoridation nationwide; the Israelis first implemented the program in 2002.
You might be terrified by some of the unbelievable truths about This specific common additive in addition to This specific’s effects on acne. although if you’re going to be scared of something then fluoride can be an excellent candidate, especially if This specific spurs you reduce your acne inadvertently.
Just search the internet in addition to you’ll discover miraculous stories through both acne patients in addition to clear-skinned people eliminating fluoride. People with thyroid difficulties tend to notice especially massive benefits; many claim to have got their lives back after their energy levels came roaring back. If you’re got a flagging sex drive then the boost in testosterone could get you interested again.
The acne patient’s guide to avoiding fluoride
Avoiding all fluoride can be nearly impossible; the water has spread to crop fields in addition to little amounts lurk in all kinds of foods. The Great news can be of which avoiding most fluoride can be a piece of cake.
This specific’s pretty simple – first you have to stop using commercial dental products. Both toothpastes in addition to mouthwashes are loaded with fluoride, not to mention additional acne villains like titanium dioxide in addition to triclosan within the areas where This specific’s not banned yet. Fluoride incorporates a minor protective effect on the teeth when applied topically, although This specific’s foolish to say we need This specific.
There are many dietary tactics you can follow to keep your teeth healthy, tactics which clear acne as a healthy side effect. First in addition to foremost can be reducing your sugar intake. This specific cuts off the fuel supply to bad bacteria in your mouth in addition to prevents them through wearing the enamel down within the first place.
the earth Health Organisation recently stated of which eating sugar as less than 10% of total calories reduces the incidence of cavities substantially.Avoiding sugar will clear your acne superbly since eating white refined sugar can spike inflammation by 100%. Grains like wheat in addition to corn are also notorious for eroding teeth as they are highly acidic in addition to they contain a specific type of acid called phytic acid which can be notorious for eroding enamel. Wheat also causes inflammatory acne.
Here’s a fact of which anyone striving for cavity-free in addition to blindingly white teeth should know. Excess sugar in addition to excess grain consumption are by far the biggest causes of cavities within the Western world. Nuts are also full of the wrong acids, so you shouldn’t go mad with them either (although they are acne-friendly in moderation).
Eating a nutritionally varied diet full of many vegetables, herbs, spices, grass-fed meats in addition to raw dairy will supply all sorts of building blocks for your teeth in addition to provide plenty of acne nutrition. Plant foods will also provide prebiotics to feed health bacteria in your mouth in addition to keep the corrosive strains at bay. of which’ll feed acne friendly bacterial strains in your gut as well.
Omega 3 fats are especially important; they’ve been shown to protect against cavities in addition to gum disease. Deficiency in omega 3s can be rampant, so eating more oily fish will work wonders. Omega 3 supplementation can also reduce acne by 42%.
Finally, there are plenty of natural in addition to acne-friendly toothpastes you can use. My preferred option can be to combine baking soda in addition to coconut oil into a paste. Baking soda can be strongly alkaline, in addition to will thus neutralise any excess acids in your mouth.
Coconut oil has anti-bacterial properties in addition to will also act as a carrier to make the baking soda less abrasive to your enamel. I use This specific formula every day in addition to my teeth are as healthy as ever.
Another strategy I’ve been using for about a year currently can be so-called “oil pulling”, an ancient form of mouth washing. What you do can be put a table spoon of coconut oil in your mouth, wait for This specific to melt, in addition to swish This specific thoroughly around for 15-20 minutes. The antibacterial powers permeate every corner of your mouth in addition to leave you with an excellent fresh feeling.
If you google “oil pulling” then you might hear of which the rebalancing effect on bacteria can spread to your whole Centeng in addition to heal endless different problems ranging through autoimmune diseases to migraines, in addition to indeed acne. of which’s nonsense although This specific’s great for your teeth in addition to just as effective as any fluoride-laced mouthwash in my reckoning. Especially seeing as there can be no chemical aftertaste in addition to no inflammatory acne through those chemicals either.
My favoured online brand of coconut oil can be This specific Viva Labs Finest Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in addition to you can buy Dr Oetker’s bicarbonate of soda through a store near you.
There are also many natural foods available which can help your teeth, like high cocoa dark chocolate, which contains the caffeine-related stimulant theobromine sourced through the cocoa powder. This specific can be an excellent acne-friendly option if you buy a high cocoa, low-sugar type; theobromine was shown in This specific study to raise the size of apatite crystals, a key mineral in your enamel. Just remember, wherever you are – always look for sodium fluoride on the label.
The second big strategy can be to avoid fluoride through drinking water in addition to to achieve This specific you can start by googling your area in addition to determining whether your water can be fluoridated.
In 2012, 65% of US citizens received fluoridated water. 10% of the UK receives fluoride, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, in addition to Australia are some additional countries receiving This specific. This specific’s banned in most of Europe including countries like Austria, Belgium, Sweden in addition to Finland.
If your water can be fluoridated, then get a tap filter! This specific Instapure Brands Faucet Water Filter can be dead cheap in addition to furthermore, dirty tap water can be full of additional contaminants of which cause acne. As well as removing fluoride, you’ll also avoid arsenic, mercury, herbicides, in addition to many additional inflammatory ingredients.
Alternatively you could buy bottled water. Many plastic water bottles contain phthalates, which leach into the water in addition to cause acne, although if This specific’s properly sourced spring water This specific will at least be better for acne than the fluoride. The ultimate acne-clearing option can be to buy glass bottled spring water, if your bank account can be bursting.
Also note of which in a few countries, certain brands of table salt are fluoridated in addition to are known to cause acne. These include France, Switzerland, in addition to the Czech Republic.
Fluoride can be the bogeyman of just about every illness as well as acne within the natural health community; you see some especially insane claims about removing fluoride to awaken your third eye in addition to gaining unheard of vision, insight in addition to clarity into life. Some claim of which detoxifying fluoride can increase your generation of a psychoactive compound DMT in addition to put you into a constant psychedelic state.
This specific could be nice if all of which was true in addition to I’ll be monitoring whether I start hallucinating, although the reality can be of which there’s not a shred of evidence supporting those claims. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet about fluoride.
Nevertheless, what we have in This specific article can be very clear scientific evidence of which fluoride affects the two main factors behind acne. This specific can deplete your antioxidants in addition to add to your inflammatory burden substantially. Seeing as there are sources of inflammation flying into your Centeng left right in addition to centre these days (trans-fats, sugar, pesticides, BPA, phthalates in plastic), you should eliminate all the big sources like drinking water in addition to toothpaste in almost all possible acne circumstances.
You might not clear your acne overnight, although nevertheless, This specific’s yet another weapon for your acne-clearing war chest.
NEXT: the role of chronic inflammation in acne
Thanks for reading!