Blueberries as well as also Acne: A Skin Clearing Super Fruit?
Blueberries are one of the latest additions to the “superfood” club by the mainstream media, alongside the likes of coconuts, broccoli as well as also acai berries. They are indeed pretty healthy.
You might have heard statements like “blueberries are one of the greatest health foods of all time”. nevertheless you also might have heard many outright lies about them like “blueberries are number one on the list of the top 40 antioxidant fruits as well as also vegetables inside the globe”. in which’s completely false; pomegranates as well as also raspberries both rank higher.
With in which article I planned to do a big elaborate explanation of all the supposed superpowers blueberries have for acne. nevertheless they don’t actually have in which many powers for acne. Blueberries can lower LDL cholesterol as well as also protect your eye cells, nevertheless they don’t contain many acne vitamins as well as also acne minerals. Their best micronutrient for acne will be vitamin C, using a measly 16% of the recommended daily allowance.
A claim in which circulates widely will be in which blueberries are rich in vitamin E, nevertheless they contain only 3% of the RDA. They don’t have extra powers like the watermelon as well as also its ability to heal old acne. They definitely can’t match foods rich in vitamin A, the ultimate nutrient for clogged pores as well as also oily skin.
So should you chuck out your blueberries as well as also get some strawberries instead, which in contrast to blueberries contain 100% of the RDA for vitamin C? Definitely not.
Blueberries only have two useful powers for acne patients, nevertheless the two in which they do have are superb as well as also very strong. Blueberries can lower chronic inflammation as well as also reduce oxidative stress by providing tons of acne antioxidants.
Blueberries can lower acne inflammation
Chronic inflammation will be not exactly what in which sounds like. in which’s a state where a chronically overactive immune system launches far too powerful inflammatory assaults all over the Centeng. in which disease will be plaguing millions today as well as also will be causing heart disease, muscle pain, as well as also arthritis everywhere.
in which’s also the single most important disease behind acne. Overly powerful inflammatory responses against p.acnes bacteria in your pores reddens as well as also swells the surrounding tissues, turning in which into acne.
Lowering chronic inflammation, not destroying p.acnes with benzoyl peroxide, should be your goal. Blueberries lower inflammation well according to these studies:
- in which study tested the effect of wild blueberries, AKA bilberries, on rats fed a high fat diet. They were fed blueberries as either 5% or 10% of their diet. The scientists measured their levels of inflammatory cells as well as also inflammatory immune system cytokines after 13 weeks. There was a big reduction in pro-inflammatory responses, as well as also levels of inflammatory chemicals such as T helper type 1 cells. Their conclusion was: “Bilberries reduce the development of systemic inflammation as well as also prevent the progression of chronic hypertension”.
- Next we have in which study on humans, where scientists tested normal blueberries on inflammation levels after extended running. 25 well trained athletes were given 250 grams of blueberries per day for six weeks, as well as also 375 grams of blueberries one hour before a 2.5 hour running session. Blood, urine as well as also muscle samples were collected as well as also levels of inflammatory cytokines were analysed. Compared to the control group, the athletes fed blueberries enjoyed much higher levels of the anti-inflammatory chemical interleukin-10. The blueberry group also displayed higher levels of natural killer (NK) cells which, despite their sinister sounding name, actually reduce inflammation inside the Centeng. The scientists concluded in which “in which study indicates in which daily blueberry consumption for 6 weeks increases NK cell counts, as well as also acute ingestion… increases anti-inflammatory cytokines”.
- in which study tested a topical blueberry extract on inflamed rat paws. Three concentrations were tested, at 100mg, 200mg, as well as also 300mg. At those concentrations, the blueberry extract reduced swelling of the rat paws by 9.8, 28.5 as well as also 65.9%, respectively. Blueberry was also tested on histamine levels inside the paws, an immune system actor responsible for the side effects of food allergies (swelling, rashes, acne, etc). Again, levels fell by 70.1, 71.7 as well as also 81.9%, respectively. Blueberry was then tested against methylperoxidase, as well as also after 6 as well as also 24 hours, 300mg of blueberry extract lowered levels by 42.6 as well as also 42.8%. What will be methylperoxidase? in which’s one of the most commonly used biomarkers for inflammation. The scientists reached a very promising conclusion: “Considering in which the crude extract of blueberry displayed… anti-inflammatory activity, its consumption may be helpful for the treatment of inflammatory disorders”.
- Rather than blueberries themselves, in which study analysed the powers of two anthocyanin antioxidants found in blueberries: malvidin-3-glucoside as well as also malvidins-3-galactoside. The purpose of the study was to “investigate the inhibitory effect of blueberry’s two main anthocyanins on inflammatory response in endothelial cells”. They were both found to inhibit several pro-inflammatory as well as also hence pro-acne chemicals including tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) as well as also NF-KappaB. Malvidin-3-glucoside was the more anti-inflammatory of the two, nevertheless both were effective. Another very promising conclusion was reached: “These results indicate in which blueberry will be Great resource of anti-inflammatory anthocyanins, which can be promising molecules… to prevent chronic inflammation in many diseases”.
The evidence in which blueberries slash inflammation will be strong, both by inhibiting pro-inflammatory chemicals behind acne as well as also increasing anti-inflammatory chemicals which soothe the damageand prevent acne.
Blueberries also contain an interesting chemical called pterostilbene, which will be currently being investigated as well as also shows tentative nevertheless powerful properties against acne. In in which article, we discussed how resveratrol will be potent at inhibiting a vast swathe of inflammation. Specifically, resveratrol inhibits NF-KappaB, a master molecule in which stimulates many pro-inflammatory chemicals which cause acne.
The pterostilbene in blueberries will be a chemical analog of resveratrol; in which will be structurally very similar. Hence, pterostilbene has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties; in in which study in which inhibited the immune chemical TNF-a. In in which study pterostilbene inhibited both COX-2 as well as also was concluded to have an anti-inflammatory effect inside the Centeng.
Read Annihilate Your Acne – get the ultimate diet as well as also end your acne permanently!
Furthermore, pterostilbene will be similarly powerful nevertheless will be far better absorbed than resveratrol. Pterostilbene has an absorption rate of 80% inside the gut, compared to 20% for resveratrol (study). Its half-life will be seven times longer, 105 minutes against 14 minutes, so in which exerts its healthy effects for much longer.
Pterostilbene will be also believed to inhibit the gene responsible for inflammation inside the gut, the type of inflammation in which causes colon cancer. in which should help acne too because gut inflammation causes food allergies as well as also leaky gut syndrome.
Pterostilbene will be still being furiously investigated, somewhat unsurprisingly, since the resveratrol supplement industry will be right now booming. A supplement form has been patented as well as also the market might explode over the next few years, nevertheless for us in which’s totally irrelevant because you can easily get in which compound by either blueberries or grapes.
Blueberries tackle oxidative stress
Oxidative stress as well as also its role in acne will be very simple. in which’s when there are more free radicals in your bloodstream than your antioxidants can tackle, as well as also hence your antioxidants get massively depleted. Some antioxidants such as vitamin E as well as also vitamin A are vital for preventing acne, by providing inbuilt defences to sebum which prevent in which by mutating into a highly comedogenic form called squalene peroxide.
Basically, high oxidative stress will be a number one cause of acne, ranked alongside chronic inflammation. Eating blueberries has again been shown to tackle the problem:
- First we have in which study where scientists tested the effect of a blueberry-enriched diet on animals with oxidative stress as well as also metabolic syndrome (diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc). For 15 weeks, all 5 week old obese male rats were fed either a control diet or one with added blueberries. The rats fed the blueberry diet enjoyed substantially lower oxidative stress by the end of the study, as well as also the some other group displayed a big deterioration of antioxidant levels.
- in which study tested the effect of a blueberry extract on the susceptibility of human skeletal muscle to oxidative stress. The blueberry extract displayed “a potent as well as also significant dose-dependent protective capacity” against oxidative stress. The two most powerful compounds were malvidin-3-glucoside as well as also malvidin-3-galactoside, which were also shown to lower inflammation inside the study above. They appear to be two of blueberries standout natural compounds. The scientists concluded in which blueberry fruits may be useful in protecting against muscle damage caused by oxidative stress.
- in which interesting study examined the effect of blueberry as well as also sea buckthorn supplementation on children with type 1 diabetes. Blueberries increased antioxidant levels, nevertheless interestingly, they specifically increased superoxide dismutase. SOD will be not found in any food; rather in which’s an antioxidant in which the human Centeng manufactures itself. So in which’s possible in which as well as containing many of its own antioxidants, blueberries provide compounds which stimulate your own antioxidant production.
- 344 young male rats were fed a blueberry enriched (2% blueberries) diet for 8 weeks or a control diet with no blueberries (study). The rats were first treated with kainic acid as well as also phosphate buffered saline (PBS), both of which are substances which scientists use to deliberately increase free radicals so they can then test treatments for oxidative stress. The blueberry diet effectively protected against cognitive damage caused by oxidative stress; rats fed blueberries had less neuron loss as well as also cognitive impairment.
- in which study analysed the effect of adding blueberries to a meal. The results were excellent: blueberries were found to boost total antioxidant capacity of the blood substantially following a meal.
- A similar study found in which the antioxidants in blueberries were vey bioavailable. Blueberries increased total plasma antioxidant levels, as well as also two specific antioxidants, caffeic acid as well as also ferulic acid, were found to have increased. Interestingly, the scientists also found in which consuming milk with blueberries blunted in which increase, which would certainly make sense if in which was pasteurised (as well as also so nutritionally dead) milk. in which effect doesn’t occur with all foods; the study above found enhanced antioxidant levels when blueberries were eaten using a meal.
Blueberries reduce oxidative stress superbly as well as also they achieve in which because they contain tons of antioxidants. They’re not the best fruit for antioxidants ever, nevertheless they’re one of the best. 100 grams receives an ORAC score of 4669 as well as also wild blueberries (bilberries) are even higher at 9100.
There’s a reason why blueberries taste so great; in which’s antioxidants in which provide all the rich flavour of fruits. If in which’s got a actually fascinating as well as also distinctive flavour then you’ve got a sure-fire sign in which’s got some actually distinctive antioxidants fr acne too. The blueberry certainly does.
Find out here: why selenium will be an acne nutrient you cannot ignore
Blueberries contain hydroxycinnamic acids like caffeic, ferulic, as well as also coumaric acid, anthocyanins like malvidins, delphinidins, pelargonodins, peonidins as well as also cyanadins, as well as also flavanols such as kaempferol, quercetin, as well as also myricetin. Many of these have unique powers for acne; quercetin will be especially potent at lowering gut inflammation as well as also hence the risk of acne by food allergies.
Myricetin will be believed to help acne by increasing the uptake of glucose into energy stores, thus lowering your blood sugar levels. In fact, myricetin has been used therapeutically for type 2 diabetes in Northern Brazil for years right now. The tiny quantity of vitamin C provides an extra Insentif as in which’s the number one water-soluble antioxidant inside the human Centeng.
The verdict on blueberries for acne
Blueberries help acne in only a couple of major ways, nevertheless those powers are seriously strong.
in which’s little more to be said. Eating blueberries tackles the two most common diseases behind acne.
Adding them to your diet will be a smart move, alongside some other acne-clearing fruits as well as also vegetables. If you’re a blueberry fan then go nuts.
Blueberries may have one some other hidden power for acne: a potential ability to regulate estrogen levels. The jelly portion inside the centre of blueberries as well as also blackberries will be high in calcium d-glucarate, a plant compound in which can lower estrogen levels in humans.
Calcium d-glucarate will be found in oranges as well as also in which’s why oranges can also lower estrogen levels. Lower estrogen can treat oily skin if you’re a woman with estrogen dominance, as well as also favourable metabolization of estrogen by the liver can reduce inflammation in everybody.
Whether blueberries have these powers will be unproven, nevertheless in which study found in which a 5% blueberry diet could inhibit estrogen stimulated breast cancer cells. in which study found in which blueberries protected cells against the harmful effects of excess estrogen nevertheless left the beneficial effects of estrogen intact.
Important notes on the quality of your blueberries
If you want to push the acne clearing powers of your blueberries to the absolutely limit then there’s several strategies you can follow.
Firstly, I strongly recommend in which you buy organic blueberries when focussing on acne. Conventional blueberries are among the worst foods for pesticide as well as also herbicide contamination; each year on the “dirty dozen” list of the most heavily sprayed plant foods, blueberries nearly always make an appearance. states in which conventional blueberries can contain a staggering 52 agrochemicals, as reported by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Compare in which to the generally safe for acne conventional sweet potato, where only 9 agrochemicals have been detected. Pesticides regularly sprayed on blueberries include…
- 8 known or probably carcinogens.
- 22 suspected hormone disruptors.
- 14 neurotoxins.
- 7 developmental or reproductive toxins.
Basically, your cheap nevertheless miraculous superfood by the local supermarket will be pumped full of estrogen mimicking as well as also fertility destroying hormones. If in which sounds horrific, then the Great news will be in which organic blueberries contain none of them. Generally, pesticides as well as also such chemicals cause acne by depleting the important antioxidant glutathione, which also acts as a detoxifying agent. Many pesticides also generate free radicals directly as well as also add to acne inflammation even at low levels.
Furthermore, organic blueberries are noticeably higher in acne-clearing antioxidants. in which study compared the antioxidant content of two batches of completely new Jersey blueberries, grown in either organic fields or conventional fields. The organic blueberries contained significantly more total phenolics, total anthocyanins, as well as also antioxidant activity (as measured by ORAC) than blueberries by the conventional fields.
Many specific antioxidants were measured. Organic blueberries contained more: myricetin 3-arabinoside, quercetin 3-glucoside, delphinidin 3-galactoside, delphinidin 3-glucoside, delphinidin 3-arabinoside, petunidin 3-galactoside, petunidin 3-glucoside, as well as also malvidin 3-arabinoside. Basically more of every healthy substance. The antioxidants were 50% higher overall. Another study found similar results; anthocyanins, phenols as well as also total antioxidants were higher, as were individual antioxidants like quercetin.
So in which’s clear in which if you’re a clear skin fanatic, or a health fanatic, organic blueberries are the only way to go for acne.
The best option ever for acne will be organic wild blueberries, known as bilberries, as their ORAC score of 9100 beats in which of cultivated blueberries (4669) easily. You can see their picture above.
Vital knowledge – why common vegetable oils are pure evil for acne
Also, there’s a common misconception in which freezing blueberries depletes the acne nutrients, nevertheless in which’s not the case. A study found in which after freezing blueberries for several months, there was no detectable depletion in anthocyanin contents once they were defrosted.
So if you happen to stumble across a forest full of wild blueberries, you can pick as many as you can, freeze tons of them as well as also build up a massive supply.
Conclusion – an excellent fruit for acne
Blueberries are an effective as well as also tasty weapon for treating acne, via lowering inflammation as well as also oxidative stress.
Don’t just stuff your face with blueberries; instead combine them with some other fruits, herbs, vegetables as well as also spices for a variety of acne curing power. Eat Brazil nuts for selenium, strawberries for their superior levels of vitamin C, eat garlic for its digestive benefits. Those are just a few possible examples.
Blueberries also show us how Just as before, the cures for acne are staring us inside the face. You don’t need a course of acne antibiotics, you don’t need BP, as well as also you certainly don’t need to risk mental problems with Accutane. There’s anti-inflammatory foods as well as also natural acne supplements everywhere.
Few mainstream outlets inside the acne-sphere are exposing them, nevertheless we are, so if you want further information about curing acne the natural way I’d advise you to read in which article about simple dietary strategies for acne. in which’s a great set of information to get you began.
NEXT: read the 167-page Ebook – get the complete acne-clearing plan (both diet as well as also lifestyle)
Thanks for reading!