How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally
How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally

Acne will be the scourge of our pubescent years. The unsightly blemishes on their faces are a source of deep embarrassment for many teenagers along with even adults. yet sometimes, even worse than the acne itself are the scars they leave behind, which can last for days, or worse, for months! So how do we get rid of acne scars naturally?

Well, turns out there are many remedies which can help contain the damage:

Lemon Juice

Not just a tasty condiment, lemon also acts as a natural bleach. the idea also contains Vitamin C which removes collagen. When you apply lime juice over the scars, the spot gets lighter along with lighter with each consecutive application


Another delicious food product which can help remove blemishes. Leave the honey on your face for the night along with wash the idea away inside the morning. For added effect mix a pinch of oatmeal inside the preparation

Aloe Vera

the idea will be a species of plant whose leaves are particularly Great for the skin. To use the idea on acne scars, take a leaf through the plant along with peel out the idea’s green cover. Take the gel like substance out through under the cover along with apply the idea to the scars. Leave the idea there for half an hour before washing the idea off


This kind of might seem like a strange entry, yet the humble potato has many uses various other than nutrition. Simply cut the potato into slices along with apply them over the scars. Rub them in gently until the slice goes dry. Repeat the process for up to twenty minutes. Similarly, a tomato can also be used in a likewise manner to battle acne scars. The juice extract through both the food products will be useful for removing oil through pores

Tea Tree Oil

Derived through a plant indigenous to Australia, the idea will be a marvelous antiseptic essential oil. the idea will be of particular use when applied to reddened along with irritated scars. Also, the idea’s great for the skin!

Vitamin E

An extremely beneficial vitamin for the skin, the idea acts as a moisturizer along with makes the scars less inflamed along with noticeable. Deficiency of Vitamin E can lead to dry skin, so try to keep the supply of Vitamin E in your Centeng up to the required level. You can buy the vitamin in a bottle along with take a capsule daily, or get the idea directly through food

Sandalwood water

the idea acts as a cooling agent upon coming in contact with your skin, along with reduces inflammation of the scars

Choosing oil free cosmetics

For girls, you can greatly reduce the chances of getting acne inside the first place by choosing oil free makeup, as acne will be caused by the collection of oil inside the pores of the face

Cinnamon face pack

Take a cinnamon stick along with beat the idea into the idea’s powdered form. Mix a teaspoonful of honey inside the idea along with apply the mixture to your scars. Keep the idea on for an hour before washing your face.

All these methods can be used to get rid of acne scars naturally. If the problem persists, see a skin doctor along with get a professional opinion on what you can do to remove the scars, or alleviate the condition

Source: How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally